
Bringing you to your Passion...
and your Passion to the world

Bringing you to your Passion... and your Passion to the world

The Passion Centre’s (TPC) umbrella mission is to bring people to their Passion and their Passion to the world. We do this using an evidence-based approach proven to discover individual Passion, develop it and deploy it either as work, or at work.

In The Media

“While the commonly understood perception of passion is a wild, romantic and intangible notion, The Passion Centre has grounded it in a scientific understanding that they measure using an evidence-based approach…”

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“The Passion Centre, an alternative learning organization that seeks to harness humans’ passion to propel innovation, says that eliminating stress is not the solution to the high disengagement or quiet quitting experienced by many organizations today. In fact, stress will always be part of the work environment, but it has to be of the right kind and at the right level…”

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In The Media

“While the commonly understood perception of passion is a wild, romantic and intangible notion, The Passion Centre has grounded it in a scientific understanding that they measure using an evidence-based approach…”

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“”The Passion Centre, an alternative learning organization that seeks to harness humans’ passion to propel innovation, says that eliminating stress is not the solution to the high disengagement or quiet quitting experienced by many organizations today. In fact, stress will always be part of the work environment, but it has to be of the right kind and at the right level…”

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About Us

A new BIG approach on how to apply the fundamentals of what drives individual passion, meaning, and purpose and leverage it to create professional and business success. One that is beneficial to not only the professional, but also to society as a force for good. TPC has been awarded The Best Transformational Company by the Canadian Business Awards. Find out more about us below.

Leading With Passion

Passion in the workplace.

Professional Passion

Today's professionals want more from their work. And yet, across many working environments they are not finding it. This issue is complex and highly varied. To break it down and give professionals an opportunity to thrive in what they do we have built a multi-disciplinary program tailored for mid-to-senior level professionals looking for higher levels of meaning and Passion in their current place of work. We also have programs designed for those ready to discover new professional pathways that support their ability to achieve their versions of financial and emotional success.

Leadership Passion

Today's workplace challenges are different and more nuanced than ever before. What made people and organizations successful in the past, are becoming less relevant today. At TPC our focus is to study the root of these challenges and equip today's Leaders with new skills that build flourishing teams in the midst of today's world of work. We also work to support today's Leaders in their own paradigms of discontentment. Our 21st Century pressures are many, and uninspired Leaders are hard pressed to inspire their teams. Passion Health™ is one critical way to correct that.

Entrepreneurial Passion

The rapid change of landscapes are creating higher numbers of new ventures annually. In the face of reduced barriers to entry, Entrepreneurs need to acquire competitive advantages early on as a primary factor for success. Across many studies, Passion is coming up as a high driver of such success in Entrepreneurs. Our focus is to identify Entrepreneurial Passion and give early stage founders a framework and community to create and drive commercially viable business solution that solve large-scale problems.

Our 4P Framework

Passion for the individual experience.
We offer a 4P support curriculum for Professionals, Leaders and
Early Stage Entrepreneurs.

Personal Passion

While we would all do anything to live a life that connects us to what we find most meaningful, what stops us is our inability to accurately identify and put language to, what that is for ourselves. This crash course introduces you to HOW you are, and WHO you operate at your core. We use the most recent and up to date research to give you the knowledge and the tools to correctly interpret what drives meaning for you, personally.


Many of us walk around with past wounds, hurts and various levels of pains that we unknowingly hold onto. Because of this, energy and space is taken up in our psyche and emotional bodies that depletes our capacity and too our ability to perform at our best. The Passion Centre has studied the impacts of the areas to bring you a NEW, safe, and non-invasive method to clear those areas within so that you can rebuild energy, momentum, and unlock an increased supply of personal and professional motivation and Passion.


We integrate several disciplines in the creation of a tried, tested and proven system that aligns your external activities to your internal Passion within. Bringing that to life, together, we support your ability to create a new way of operating in your world today. Personally and Professionally. Clients experiencing this new found clarity become MOTIVATED to put their PASSIONS into ACTION. Many have formed new ventures, new career focuses, side hustles, cause-driven communities, companies, programs and more!


This is for our clients that desire to take what they have learned about who they are, and the things they align to, and turn it into a higher purpose, Passion-Centred™ Venture. The design of this program has taken some of the best practices in business and entrepreneurship. Now you can build your dream by leveraging our accountability teams, extended faculty resources, and virtual space to work on the most important project you will ever put into practice. Your personalized expression of the value and the change you want to see in this world!

Our Faculty Resources

We offer 4 distinct support networks that are embedded into our 4P framework


Our coaching packages are personalized and based on where you are on your own unique Passion journey. To begin the journey we have a one hour consultation where together we look at your goals, vision, and build a customized track to support your ability to fulfill. Our network of Coaches come with various self discovery to business development specialties to accommodate your different needs at various stages in your development through the process.


TPC's 4P Framework consist of individual programs that are based on our Passion-Centred™ Methodology that we offer in live virtual classroom settings. In each program you will have trained instructors moving you through the content, providing live experiential learning, and supporting you to dive deeper than you could ever go alone. The programs are foundational to each other, and each person will progress through them based on their own goals and vision.


Transformations can sometimes pull up unexpected blocks in our emotional or psychological systems. This is entirely normal and can require a deeper layer than what coaching can provide. To go deeper, we have teamed up with counselors and psychotherapists that have been trained in our methodology to support your ability to clear any blocks, so you can powerfully move forward and create your Passion.


In the business building stages of our Passion-Centred™ incubator we on-board a diverse team of consultants trained in our methodology to give you the best foundations for the success of your Passion-Centred™ business. This part of the process offers basic Entrepreneurial training, product development support, consultants across several start-up business domains and access to a shared virtual workspace, as well as many networking opportunities.

Our Retreats

Our Retreats

Vacation with Purpose™ is an experiential learning environment where Earth becomes your classroom. This gives our Leaders in our Leadership program an exciting way to travel the world, get re-inspired, re-invigorated and re-focused on what they are truly here to do.

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The Passion Lab™

We offer a virtual mentorship community


Be in a community with like hearted people deepening the conversation of Passion through various topics and think tank forums
1. Weekly Live conversations and VIP masterminds focused on looking at Passion from various perspectives
2. VIP membership access to support, resources, tools, programs and courses from The Passion Centre
3. Be in a like-directional team of supportive, passionate people to share with, learn from, and keep you accountable to YOU… and your Passion!


Stepping into your Passion-Centred™ Leadership involves carrying the ethos of The Passion Centre forward into the culture of your organization. Our Leadership faculty involves various Leaders within the Passion conversation that focuses on the complexity of people leadership. Be involved in monthly masterminds, networking forums, Q&A panels and other events that build in a supportive non-judgemental community that values Passion at work and teaches what is involved in supporting Passionate cultures that thrive.

Early Stage Founders

Being an early stage founder has its challenges. Being a first time, early stage Passion-Centred™ founder - and those challenges increase. This community offers a forum where you can mix and mingle with other like minded passionate founders on similar journeys while tapping into the support network of our faculty. We act like an early stage advisory to support you and your venture in 4 categories:
1. Entrepreneurship training
2. Commercially viable product development
3. Business & financial modelling
4. Access to various faculty wisdom inside of a shared space.

Why Choose Us

Personalized Approach

We use a holistic 'You' formula. Your uniqueness matters in the success of our methods

Passion-Centred™ Learning

A methodology that creates a personalized alignment strategy using what drives your Passion

Structured Format

We blend personalization with a structured approach to ensure your ultimate success

Driven For Results

Your Passion and success matters. All of our curriculums have been thoroughly tested in the marketplace

What Clients Are Saying...

I didn’t know what to expect when I first joined, however, I soon discovered [the Passion-Centred™ Incubator] to be an exceptional experience, and one that produced results and mastery for clients who were seeking to tap into their passions and life purpose and launch their own custom passion ventures based on what they truly love doing.
Joni Merkel, MBA
Marketing and Growth Consultant
This program helped me, find me; and ultimately turn my passions in to a fulfilling business venture. [The Passion Centre] genuinely cares for [their] clients and makes every effort to uplift, support, and make you a better person, entrepreneur, and human being. 1000% recommend [this program] if you’re stuck in a rut searching for your purpose and alignment like I was.
Steve Gaskin
Founder, Retrokid
[The Passion Centre] has a unique ability to peel off the layers, identifying the fears and traumas that are blockers and finding a way to re-wire and re-construct these same narratives to empower instead of cripple. By merging these new narratives with our inherent strengths as individuals as well as our unique drivers and motivators, a whole new paradigm is created for us to work in... [The programs] helps in setting realistic and practical goals and objectives to move [your] dream out into the world that is unique to you, and one that can be monetized as well.
Vik Padymore
Podcast Creator, Host

Ready to activate your Passion?

You are steps away from building and living a Passion filled, purpose driven life. Don’t back down now. 


© 2023 The Passion Centre, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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